Curriculum - Geography

Geography Intent

At St. Stephen’s Primary School, we believe that Geography provides children with an   understanding of the world in which we live and their place within it. It is our intention to inspire in all children a wonderful curiosity and desire for knowledge and understanding about the world. Our aim is for children to develop an understanding of both physical and human geography, of local and diverse places and people as well as developing geographical skills and fieldwork. We believe children should have a respect for the world’s resources, people and environments.

Geography Implementation

At St Stephen’s Primary School, geography is taught in topic based half termly lessons throughout the year to ensure coverage of knowledge and progression in geographical skills and concepts. In EYFS, children begin to learn and understand the world around them through exciting and engaging first hand experiences. Each year group from years 1-6 has 3 units to be taught throughout the year, core knowledge and skills being identified in each lesson. Underpinning learning are the key concepts of cause and effect, change and location and place. Lessons are  planned to develop long-term memory by allowing previous learning to be identified and built upon. Within lessons, key geographical vocabulary is taught and reinforced. In geography, outdoor learning opportunities and visitors into school are maximised whenever possible to provide meaningful, practical and impactful learning experiences for all our children. Consideration is given to appropriate support and challenge for children with regard to St Stephen’s commitment to inclusion and success for all children in our care.

Geography Impact

By the end of KS2 our children will know more, understand more and remember more about geography both in their local area and the wider world. They will also have the ability and skills to think and question like a geographer. They will be motivated and inspired to continue their learning as they progress to KS3. At St. Stephen’s C. E. Primary, our aim is for our geography curriculum to develop independent thinkers, who are excited and inspired by the geography of our world and have an understanding that their decisions and actions play a part in shaping the future.  Through various fieldwork activities, enquiry questions and themed units of work children will have the understanding that geography impacts upon our lives and the lives of others, daily.

We measure the impact of our Geography curriculum through monitoring work, listening to the children’s attitudes about geography through pupil voice, learning walks, work scrutiny and data analysis.

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